In the aftermath of Thanos, acclaimed actor Jonathan Majors is set to play the new big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as the Marvel villain Kang the Conqueror. Scheduled to make his big screen debut in the upcoming superhero movie Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, the star has recently shared details about his character, and what fans can expect to see from him come the Marvel movie‘s big release.
In the Marvel series Loki, we were first introduced to Kang as well as the concept of different variants of the character existing across Marvel’s multi-verse. With that in mind, many fans have wondered what version of Kang they will see Scott Lang face in his next adventure. During an interview with Men’s Health, Majors and his strength-and-conditioning coach Jamie Sawyer have now confirmed that the iteration of the villain in Ant-Man 3 is, in fact, Warrior Kang.
“He is the warrior version of Kang, so there was a focus on what that warrior would look like who’s been around through the ages and has developed every type of combat skill,” Sawyer explained, giving the physical training perspective of Majors’ preparation for the role. “It was about making him look like an imposing figure.”
Sawyer has confirmed that he has been using similar training methods for Majors that he uses for boxers and MMA fighters – putting performance over pure muscle building. With this in mind, it seems like Kang will be breaking a few Avenger heads in the upcoming science fiction movie during some realistic and exciting action scenes.
The existence of warrior Kang also hints that he may not be the Kang that we will meet in the Avengers: The Kang Dynasty film as well. We will keep you posted as soon as we know more.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is to hit theatres on February 17, 2023. For more multi-verse fun, here is our guide to Marvel Phase 5.