The Guardians of Galaxy trilogy has spanned almost a decade, beginning in 2014. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 lots set to be highly emotional, and all of the trailers have played up how heart-wrenching this finale for the rag-tag team is going to be. Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Rocket and Groot are going out with a bang, soaked in tears. Our Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 review confirms that you will need to pack your tissues for this one.
At a recent press conference attended by The Digital Fix, Chris Pratt explained how he wanted to savour every moment when it came to the final day of shooting; “The thing you want to avoid is regret. One day, looking back and thinking ‘why did I just let that go by without trying to enjoy every moment? Why didn’t I savour that?’ And I knew that going into it.”
“So, I’ll never have that thought in my head that I just wasn’t present to it. I was present. And it still felt like a whirlwind. For the most part, the feelings that I was sort of writing down on the back of my mind about the experience were, they sound trite, but it was just gratitude.”
Pratt explained that his risky strategy of reading out bad Guardians reviews paid off; “I wanted to be the guy who reminded everyone how far we’d come. And all the things that we’d overcome. And so, I read, like, a few reviews from people who had said that the [first] Guardians in 2014 was going to be the first big flop [of the MCU].”

Pratt concluded; “It’s an emotional feeling. And having gone through that, it was important that I be present but also that I coerce other people into being present as well. So, that was sort of a responsibility that I felt I had. Is just to make sure to check in with everybody.” Clearly Pratt takes his role as leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy cast seriously.
Find out everything you need to know before Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.