Following his success with the 2020 horror movie Possessor, NEON announced that director Brandon Cronenberg would be making an all-new flick starring Alexander Skarsgård, titled Infinity Pool. Now, courtesy of a Facebook post from the upcoming film’s cinematographer, Karim Hussain, we know that the new science fiction movie has wrapped filming and is heading into post-production.
Principal photography for Cronenberg’s Infinity Pool began on September 6, with the majority of shooting taking place at Šibenik’s Amadria Park resort. However, after only a couple of months, it turns out that filming for the spooky project is done. Taking to his Facebook Page, Hussain shared the news with friends and followers, writing: “Brandon Cronenberg’s Infinity Pool is wrapped! Thanks to the cast and crew who worked so hard on this intense shoot, think we have something special here.”
Along with Cronenberg – who wrote and helmed the flick – Karen Harnisch and Andrew Cividino (Film Forge), Noah Segal and Christina Piovesan (Elevation Pictures), and Rob Cotterill serve as a few of the many producers working on Infinity Pool. The impressive list of cast members for the upcoming film include Alexander Skarsgård, Cleopatra Coleman, Mia Goth, and Thomas Kretschmann.
According to IMDb, the synopsis for Cronenberg’s thriller movie Infinity Pool reads: “James (Alexander Skarsgård) and Em Foster (Cleopatra Coleman) are enjoying an all-inclusive beach vacation in the fictional island of La Tolqa, when a fatal accident exposes the resort’s perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism, reckless violence and surreal horrors.”
So far, there is no official release date for Infinity Pool. However, production is expected to finish in 2022, so we can expect a trailer to drop in a few months if things remain on schedule. Stay tuned for updates.
If you are curious about checking out Cronenberg’s movie Possessor, you can watch the film on the streaming service Hulu in the US and on Amazon Prime Video in the UK.