There’s plenty to enjoy in the Harry Potter franchise, from all the magic and wonder the adventure movies created, the incredible array of Harry Potter characters, and all the funny moments, too. But, did you know one such moment involving Draco Malfoy was actually improvised by actor Tom Felton.
Felton played the Harry Potter villain throughout the fantasy movie saga, and Malfoy’s journey from a mean bully, to snivelling sycophant, and eventually seeing the error of his ways, was a thrill to watch. Malfoy was always at his best however, when he was coming up with sharp, cynical comments.
Turns out, in the Harry Potter movie The Chamber of Secrets, Felton came up with a line on the spot, that ended up not only making the final cut, but which goes down as one of Malfoy’s finest pieces of dialogue.
The Warner Bros Studio Tour London Twitter account revealed this in a tweet a while back, which said: “Did you know the line, ‘I didn’t know you could read,’ was actually improvised by Tom Felton.”
This line comes in when Harry Potter himself is disguised as Goyle, the Slytherin friend of Malfoy, but has forgotten to take his glasses off. When Malfoy asks why he has glasses on, Potter (as Goyle) explains he is wearing glasses to read, which comes as a surprise to Malfoy.

Sounds like Felton brought more to the Harry Potter cast than just the cruel aura of Malfoy then. It’s safe to say the family movies wouldn’t be the same without him, anyway.