Does Corlys Velaryon survive his injuries? The gods have visited countless tragedies upon the Velaryon family in the fantasy series House of the Dragon. Their daughter Laena died in childbirth, their son Laenor was murdered (or so they think), and now the head of their house Lord Corlys has been struck down fighting in the Stepstones.
According to his brother Vaemond, the Sea Serpent was attacked by a Triarch corsair, and he was previously wounded. The maesters and healers are tending to the Lord of the Tides, but his wound has become infected, and his survival seems unlikely.
Corl’s health is so poor, and his death seems so assured that it sparks a minor succession crisis on Driftmark, with Vaemond demanding he inherits the driftwood throne ahead of Lucerys Velaryon. But does Corlys Velaryon survive his injuries? We’ve had a look at the book to find out. Warning spoilers ahead.
Does Corlys Velaryon survive his injuries?
The books Fire and Blood and the World of Ice and Fire confirm that Corlys will survive his bout of blood fever. While the TV series has been unafraid to take creative liberties with the source material in the past – so we can’t say for sure that Corlys will survive – it’s likely he’ll recover.
The Sea Serpent becomes a huge player in the Dance of Dragons. Being the grandsire (sort of…) of Rhaenyra’s children, he’s sworn to her early in the war and gives the queen’s Blacks naval superiority.

Later in the war, he’s captured by Aegon II’s forces and made to swear an oath to the King. While he does join the Greens, he’s never a particularly loyal follower and regularly quarrels with the king, especially about the line of succession.
If you can’t get enough of the Seven Kingdom, then check out our guide to the best Game of Thrones characters, or if you love the titular dragons, we have an article all about Balerion the Black Dread.