New comedic superhero show Extraordinary has begun filming with a stacked cast of young Irish and British talent. Cast-members include Máiréad Tyers in the lead role, after appearing in Oscar frontrunner Belfast, directed by Kenneth Branagh. Siobhán McSweeney (Derry Girls) will also star.
According to the plot synopsis, the eight-part irreverent comedy stars Tyers as; “Jen, a young, painfully self-aware woman who lives in a world where everyone has a superpower except her.” This plot sounds not dissimilar to the current Disney smash-hit Encanto, which features a girl who is the only member of her family who doesn’t have magical powers.
“This is a fresh, innovative comedy about being young and finding your feet in a confusing world, when all you’ll ever be is ‘ordinary’. Extraordinary is a celebration of the anti-superhero, giving people permission to embrace their general okay-ness.” – the plot summary continues.
The show was one of the first UK originals unveiled for Disney Plus’ adult-skewing vertical Star in April.
Further cast-members include Sofia Oxenham (Poldark) as Jen’s best friend Carrie, Bilal Hasna (Teen Monologues) as Carrie’s boyfriend Kash and Luke Rollason as Jen’s unexpected new flatmate. Safia Oakley-Green (The Origin) and Robbie Gee (Boxing Day) are also set to appear in the show.
Tyers is a recent graduate of RADA and she played the small role of Auntie Eileen in Kenneth Branagh’s semi-autobiographical film Belfast, which will be released in the UK in January 2022. McSweeney plays the iconic role of Sister Michael in Derry Girls, which can be seen on All4 in the UK and on Netflix in the US.
Extraordinary sounds as if it may have the same down-to-earth approach to superpowers as the great British show Misfits, one of the best sci-fi series of all time, which aired from 2009-2013. The show was about a group of young offenders who develop superpowers while doing community service. It starred Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (last seen in Candyman), Iwan Rheon (who went onto a villainous role in Game of Thrones) and Joe Gilgun (This is England, Preacher).