Sam Raimi, the director of the MCU‘s latest outing Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, has revealed that he may have another superhero movie already in the works. Speaking with The Wrap, the filmmaker shared how there have been talks with Universal to make a sequel to his cult classic ‘90s movie, Darkman.
Directed and co-written by Sam Raimi, Darkman is a beloved film about vengeance and tortured anti-heroes. Starring Liam Neeson in his first action movie lead role, the film follows a scientist named Peyton Westlake (Neeson), who a mobster brutally disfigures. In an effort to heal his injuries, Peyton develops superpowers and begins to hunt down his attackers. Upon its initial release, Darkman was met with financial success, grossing $48 million, above its $14 million budget, and spawning two straight-to-video sequels: Darkman II: The Return of Durant and Darkman III: Die Darkman Die.
While promoting Doctor Strange 2, Raimi was naturally asked about his beloved Drakman franchise. When questioned if he would ever revisit the ’90s movie, the filmmaker revealed that he would and that talks with Universal on a Darkman 2 are underway, with a producer already on board.
“Universal is talking about a Darkman sequel,” Raimi shared. “There’s a producer attached. I haven’t heard the story yet or gone into it; I’ve been so busy with (Doctor Strange). But I think it’s cool.”
It is unclear if Raimi will be directly involved in the project or return to the franchise to direct the next instalment. Considering that he hasn’t “heard the story yet”, it is safe to say that he won’t be penning the script this time around. We will keep you posted as soon as we know more.
In the meantime, Raimi has his hands full with projects. Currently, he is working on the fantasy movie The Kingkiller Chronicle and will be helming the science fiction movie World War 3. Fans can also head to the theatres to see his newest feature Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness which released on May 6, 2022.