Flying Lotus, the musician and director behind 2017 horror movie Kuso, has set his next big screen project. Deadline reports that the multi-talented artist is working on Ash, a science fiction movie about the lone survivor of a horrific incident.
Not many details are available at present, but the plot will follow a woman who “wakes up on a distant planet and finds the crew of her space station viciously killed, her investigation into what happened setting in motion a terrifying chain of events.” Sounds a bit like Alien, but with more existential dread – count us in! Jonni Remmler wrote the screenplay, and casting is due to begin soon, for a summer kick off on production.
Like on Kuso, Flying Lotus will also be composing the score. Besides his solos work, he’s been steadily providing more and more compositional work, contributing to animated movie Blade Runner: Black Out 2022 among others. “I’ve a strong desire to innovate in the sci-fi space,,” he said in a statement, “and I really want to show the world something they’ve never seen before.”
An anthology in four parts, Kuso concerns the lives of several people who’ve been mutated by the effects of an earthquake in Los Angeles. A mixture of live-action and animation only adds to the strange mood, with lots of surreal body horror mixed into the narrative.
It’s a distinctive watch, that’s for sure, and turned some heads when it premiered at Sundance in 2017. Needless to say, we’re curious about Ash and what Flying Lotus has up his sleeve next.
You can watch Kuso on Shudder. For more chills, check out the best horror movies of 2021.