Arnold Schwarzenegger is turning to television for the first time, with two upcoming Netflix series. The first is a spy comedy series called FUBAR which he has compared to one of the best Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, True Lies. The second is a Netflix documentary about the man himself, simply entitled Arnold. In a recent interview, the former bodybuilder, governor and all-round action hero revealed his most underrated movie.
“Last Action Hero. It was slaughtered before anybody saw it. It was literally a political attack because I was campaigning for [former President George H.W. Bush], but Bill Clinton won.” The 1993 comedy action movie features a young boy being magically transported into the world of his favourite movie star.
“Last Action Hero was great — it wasn’t fantastic, but it was underrated. Now, more and more people are seeing it and saying, ‘I love this movie.’ I’m getting the residual checks, so I know it’s true. It made money — that’s always an important thing for me. Because it’s show business, right?” Schwarzenegger told The Hollywood Reporter.
Regarding FUBAR, Schwarzenegger says; “David Ellison came to me with the idea of a TV show. I said, ‘It has to be something where I can use all my aspects and talents. It has to be fun. It has to be action-packed. It has to be sweet. And we shouldn’t try to get around my age — let’s play my age.’ He came up with the idea of doing a True Lies-type thing.”
True Lies was a 1994 action comedy movie co-starring Jamie Lee Curtis. The James Cameron movie is about a man who his wife believes is boring, but is secretly a spy. A short-lived True Lies TV series was recently attempted, but in FUBAR Monica Barbaro plays Schwarzenegger’s daughter, and father and daughter discover that they’re both secret spies.
Check out our guide to the best TV series of all time.