The Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney Plus show took a surprising risk by centering the story on a young Princess Leia, meaning that a child actor had to practically carry the show. Vivien Lyra Blair has risen to the challenge, and managed to channel both Carrie Fisher and Natalie Portman’s Padme in her performance. And Hayden Christensen, who has returned to his role of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, says that she’s done “a great job.”
Blair is only ten years old, but she has impressed with her performance, showing a young Leia bonding with Obi-Wan – a relationship that hasn’t been explored before much beyond; “help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.” Blair has demonstrated Leia’s feisty, stubborn and rebellious personality, much like Fisher in the original trilogy.
Speaking to E! News, Christensen said; “I was just thrilled at seeing young Leia in this story and how’s she’s represented. I think they really imbued the character with all the qualities that make that character great. And young Vivien has done such a great job of bringing her to life. Part of the fun of it has been getting those little glimpses of Padme.”
Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan has pointed out repeatedly to young Leia, during the short season, that she reminds him of her mother. Obi-Wan has obviously been chanelling his grief and guilt about what happened with Anakin and Padme into doing what he can to protect young Luke, and also now Leia.
Obi-Wan Kenobi coming to an end has led to inevitable speculation regarding another season. It sounds as though the key players – and crucially, McGregor – would be up for it, so is probably inevitable. It’s unlikely that Blair’s Leia will feature much, if at all, however.
While we wait to find out whether season two happens, check out our guide to the best Star Wars characters.