Peter Robbins, the man who provided the voice for cartoon character Charlie Brown in the Peanuts series of classic animated shows, has died aged 65. The former child star began his career at just nine years old, voicing the beloved comic strip character throughout the 1960s in various TV shows and holiday specials. He also appeared in The Munsters, and had a recurring role in the TV show Blondie, which was also based on a comic strip.
His family confirmed his passing on January 25, 2022, with the actor reportedly dying by suicide last week. Robbins had long struggled with mental health issues, namely bipolar disorder. It is also believed that Robbins was treated extensively for addictions to drugs, alcohol, and sex
Sadly, Robbins had been severely troubled in later life, and was even sentenced to five years in jail in 2015 for making criminal threats against several people. However, after his release in 2019, Robbins turned his life around and became an advocate for those with bipolar disorder, urging people like him to take their illness seriously and to seek professional help.
Robbins clearly held Charlie Brown and the Peanuts legacy dear to his heart. He had a tattoo of Charlie Brown, which he had touched up after his release from prison, as a symbol of him “refurbishing” his life. Robbins also had a pet dog, named Snoopy, a nod to his canine sidekick on the hit animated show.
Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the gang have enjoyed something of a revival of late, with the iconic characters starring in a new movie back in 2015. Peter Robbins did not reprise his role as Charlie Brown for the family movie.
Many fans posted tributes to the actor upon hearing the news, remembering the childhood classic TV show. His family has asked for privacy at this time, and have said a memorial service will be held at a future date.