The hit animated series Rick and Morty is no stranger to surpassing TV series fans’ expectations when it comes to storylines and comedy. However, the latest outing for the show, Rick and Morty season 6, has truly gone above and beyond regarding surprises and juicy ‘family’ drama. Warning major spoilers ahead!
In Rick and Morty season 5, we learnt that Rick might not be the smartest person in the universe as originally thought, as he had closed off a number of realities. However, with the destruction of the central finite curve, the door was left wide open for several new villains and characters to appear in season 6. In season 5, we also learnt that Rick’s original family was killed by another Rick – Weird Rick– who he has been chasing down for years.
Every fan expected to learn some more details about these season 5 threads at some point. However, shockingly the Rick and Morty season 6 premiere episode ‘Solaricks’ dropped a major bomb from the get-go. Rick isn’t actually Morty’s grandfather – Weird Rick is.
On top of this spicy reveal, we also learnt that Rick had come to the universe in hopes of meeting Weird Rick, who he suspected would return at some point; poor Morty, am I right? During the episode, Rick tells Morty that Weird Rick won’t come after them as he is the “real deal”, meaning he truly is a Rick who only cares about himself.
However, in the post-credit scenes of the episode, we see Weird Rick kill a Feral Jerry in the Cronenberg universe before setting out to find out what caused him to be trapped in his original dimension – meaning the duo may not be as safe as they think they are.
With Season 5 saying goodbye to evil Morty, it seems like Weird Rick will be the new overarching villain of the series from here on out. Also, with the shocking reveal of Morty’s original Rick’s identity, we are expecting more drama throughout the season.
Season 6’s start also hints that this instalment will be heavy on Rick and Morty lore, meaning that small contained adventures may not be the overarching format, as they have been in previous seasons.
Fans can now tune into Adult Swim to catch the latest episodes of Rick and Morty every Sunday night. For more wacky adventures, here is our guide to the best sci-fi series of all time.