Quentin Tarantino says that he plans to make an eight-part television series in 2023. He has revealed no further information at this time. He has not directed any television since helming two episodes of CSI in 2005. He brought it up while promoting his new book Cinema Speculation, but it’s unclear if the TV series is related to the book in any way.
Tarantino has apparently been branching out into other artforms, as he also revealed that he wrote a play before Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was released in 2019. Whether the TV series comes to fruition remains to seen. “Quentin Tarantino’s unrealized projects” has its own Wikipedia page, with over 50 titles on it.
Some of these include comic book characters such as Luke Cage, the Silver Surfer, and the Green Lantern. In the 2000s, he was attached to a Westworld remake, which is interesting considering the television series that recently happened. A big one that was rumoured for some time during the 2010s was Star Trek. Tarantino has famously said that his next film, which will be his tenth, will also be his last.
At the recent event, Tarantino was asked which comic book he would adapt if given the choice, Tarantino stated that he would be interested in bringing Marvel’s Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos to the screen. Sgt. Fury follows Nick Fury (Tarantino’s collaborator Samuel L. Jackson) and the escapades of the World War II unit which appeared in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger.
It’s clear that Quentin Tarantino is beholden only to himself, and will do what he wants. It’s also clear that he seems to change his mind a lot, regarding projects that he’s interested in.
While we wait to find out if Tarantino TV is happening, check out our guide to the best drama series.