In collaboration with Toei Animation, Anime Limited has announced that the highly-anticipated anime movie One Piece Film Red will be released in the UK and Ireland in autumn 2022.
The animated movie, which will be shown in both subtitled and dubbed format, is being released as part of an event called Cine Matsuri, which Anime Limited describes as “a jam-packed season of exciting and diverse anime films coming to cinemas across the United Kingdom and Ireland throughout the summer and autumn.”
Based on a popular manga series, One Piece, which has spawned 14 previous movies and anime series, focuses on Monkey D. Luffy: a man made of rubber. Inspired by his childhood hero, the pirate Red-Haired Shanks, Luffy gathers his own pirate crew, known as the Straw Hat Pirates, to search for the mythical One Piece: a treasure so legendary that, by obtaining it, Luffy hopes that he can be crowned King of the Pirates.
The synopsis for the film, released by Crunchyroll, is as follows: “Uta —the most beloved singer in the world. Renowned for concealing her own identity when performing, her voice has come to be described as ‘otherworldly’. Now, for the first time ever, Uta will herself to the world at a live concert.”
“As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans – excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance – the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound. The story begins with the shocking fact that she is Shanks’ daughter.”
Code Geass’ Goro Taniguchi is directing the film, while Tsutomu Kuroiwa, who is known for several One Piece projects and the live-action Black Butler is writing the screenplay. Meanwhile, Eiichiro Oda, who created the original manga, is executive producing the film.