Keanu Reeves is well known for being the nicest Hollywood star, whether he’s helping the crew move heavy equipment up a huge flight of steps on the set of John Wick, or taking a pay cut on movies such as The Matrix to help the crew get paid more, or buying lovely gifts for crew-members.
Reeves has always stayed humble, giving away most of his money, riding the subway, sitting on park benches having a snack, and talking with us common folk on a one-to-one level. There’s an anecdote going around about his flight being grounded and him hiring a van with fellow passengers to get to their destination rather than getting a private plane or car. Imagine being on a road trip with Keanu.
The latest anecdote to surface comes from Reddit, so we need to take it with a pinch of salt, but it sounds very much like something Keanu would do. It begins, “My grandmother had a crush on Keanu Reeves because he reminded her of my grandfather when he was young. Saw all his stuff, from Bill and Ted to the Matrix,” user afdc92 wrote.
The story continues; “She had a stroke in her early 70s and was pretty much housebound for the last 10 years of her life, so watching movies was her main hobby, and became almost like friends to her because she so rarely got to see any of her own.”
“Not too long after The Matrix came out my uncle was in LA for business and was eating at a really swanky restaurant when Keanu came in with a woman. When he finished his meal my uncle came up to their table and said “I don’t usually do this, but I just wanted you to know that my 80-year-old mother loves you and has seen all of your movies. You remind her of my dad.”

The story concludes; “He said Keanu asked if he had a cell phone on him and when he confirmed that he did, he said “Give her a call, I want to talk to her.” He spoke with my grandmother for several minutes and it absolutely made her year. She was so isolated and his genuine kindness to her and interest in her showed what a truly amazing man he is.”
Keanu really is a true gent and constantly warms the cockles of our hearts with his altruistic ways. If you’re a Keanu fan, find out how to watch The Matrix movies and shows in order.