Which previous Doctors were in The Power of the Doctor? Thanks to the time travelling nature of Doctor Who, there’s plenty of time and space (ahem) for old faces to return in unexpected moments.
This had led to several famous multi-Doctor stories such as The Three Doctors and The Day of The Doctor, where multiple versions of the Doctor converge into one moment and place in time to join up. This is always fun, because fans get to see their favourite characters interacting. It also is a great use of the sci-fi series‘ time-travel premise.
Jodie Whittaker’s 13th Doctor hasn’t had a multi-Doctor story, and this has led to fans of the time-travelling drama series speculating as to whether multiple Doctors might show up in her final episode, The Power of the Doctor. Now, we’ve seen the episode and have all the answers. So, enough with the preamble. Which previous Doctors were in The Power of the Doctor?
Which previous Doctors were in The Power of the Doctor?
The previous Doctors who returned for The Power of the Doctor were: David Bradley as the 1st Doctor, Peter Davison as the 5th Doctor, Colin Baker as the 6th Doctor, Sylvester McCoy as the 7th Doctor, Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor, Jo Martin as the Fugitive Doctor, and David Tennant.
The pre-revival Doctors returned to speak to Whittaker’s 13th Doctor, and help her to restore herself from The Master’s forced regeneration. The 5th Doctor also had an emotional, heartfelt chat with Tegan, and the 7th Doctor shared a moment with Ace too. They were great moments, that will have made plenty of fans very, very happy.

Tennant was the most expected, because we know that the actor is returning for the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special, so his appearance at the end of The Power of the Doctor was always on the cards. Some fans will be disappointed to see that Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi had no role to play among all the fun, but we can’t have it all, can we.
The return of classic Doctors from the TV series‘ more distant history was a bigger surprise, and a nice one at that. Though they only had very small roles, it was a pleasure to see the various actors on the screen for what is probably the final time.
For more time travelling fun, check out out guide to the scariest Doctor Who episodes.