Kevin Conroy, beloved Batman actor who voiced Bruce Wayn in Batman: The Animated Series, has passed away. The news was posted and confirmed by two of his co-stars, Diane Pershing and Lauren Lester, who portrayed Poison Ivy and Robin, respectively.
Conroy was 66 at the time of his passing. No details are given, though Pershing states on Facebook that he’d been “ill for a while”. As the voice of Batman through-out TV series in the ’90s, Conroy took Batman through his own show from Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Mitch Brian, and Eric Radomski, into Justice League, several animated movies, and into videogames as well.
A mainstay of conventions as well as television, Conroy eventually joined he Arrowverse, as a live-action version of Bruce Wayne in Batwoman. Besides the Dark Knight, he’s leant his talents to Masters of the Universe and other sci-fi series and fantasy series.
“He will be sorely missed not just by the cast of the series but by his legion of fans all over the world,” Pershing post on Facebook reads, alongside images of Conroy from various conventions.
We’ll update this story as more details emerge. Conroy was a beloved figure not just for DC fans, but for those who enjoyed good superhero storytelling. He’ll be sorely missed indeed.