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Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man TV broadcast cuts problematic line

The British broadcaster ITV has cut a problematic and homophobic line from a recent airing of Sam Raimi's widely beloved Spider-Man film

Spider-Man cut problematic line

A British broadcaster cut a problematic line from a recent airing of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man. ITV removed a line from the action movie where Spidey (Tobey Maguire) asks the wrestler Bonesaw if his husband had made his outfit.

In the film’s theatrical cut, Spider-Man says to Bonesaw, “That’s a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?” However, in the new version, it’s been cut to just: “That’s a cute outfit.” Viewers were quick to praise ITV on social media for the decision to remove the line.  “British TV network ITV removed the vaguely homophobic line Spider-Man says to Bonesaw in the first Raimi film,” wrote Twiter user Dane AF. “And nothing of value was lost.’”

While there are probably some who will bemoan this as ‘woke’, or whatever the new term for trying to be aware of others’ feelings is, I think the vast majority of us would agree that making Spider-Man less homophobic is a good thing. Maybe if Peter hadn’t said the line in the first place, he wouldn’t have been stiffed on the prize money?

Check out reactions to the cut line here:



Maguire recently reprised the role of Spider-Man in the MCU movie Spider-Man: No Way Home. The science fiction movie saw Tom Holland’s version of Spider-Man team up with different versions of himself to defeat Spider-Man villains from across the multiverse.

If you love Spidey, check out our list of the MCU movies ranked.