Three movies based on the beloved animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender are in development, adding to the revival in interest that Aang and his gang are seeing at the moment. There is also the big-budget live-action Netflix series coming soon.
There are three animated feature films from Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation planned, with the first being directed by Lauren Montgomery; “As original creators Mike (DiMartino) and Bryan (Konietzko) expand the Avatar universe with us, we’re keeping it all in the family with Lauren bringing the same kind of expert, beautiful work she did on the original series to her new directing duties on the forthcoming theatrical.”
Montgomery worked on the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series which aired from 2005-2008, as well as spin-off The Legend of Korra (2012-2014). Paramount clearly have faith in the lasting popularity of the property, as they announced the formation of Avatar Studios in February 2021. Its purpose is to create new original content including animated series and movies based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe.
Speaking to the Avatar: Braving the Elements podcast (via ComicBook), Konietzko said they had a; “very ambitious, multi-tiered” plan to dig into “this big, rich, largely untapped history and future in the Avatar world.” He followed up by saying that “Each of these projects [has] its own feeling, its own tone and look, so it will all feel true to the Avatar world, but they will all be very different expressions of it so it will really deepen it and expand it.”
The live-action Last Airbender series reportedly has budget so big, it’s comparable to The Mandalorian, and that’s not the only similarity – they’re both using the same video wall technology.
While we wait for more news on the movies and series, check out our guide to the best fantasy movies.