Say what you want about the prequel Star Wars movies, but love them or hate them; there is one thing every fan of the franchise can agree on when it comes to the all-important Star Wars timeline: Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi is downright iconic.
However, McGregor has revealed, despite playing him in the prequel movies and later in the recent Disney Plus sci-fi series Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi master isn’t actually his favourite Star Wars character (shocking, we know).
The Twitter account @KenobisEopie recently took to social media to share a video of McGregor speaking at the Superhero Comic-Con 2022 event in Texas. In the posted clip, the actor was asked which Star Wars character he considered to be the best. McGregor revealed that his top pick in a galaxy far, far away was, in fact, Princess Leia Organa, the daughter of his former friend and apprentice Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader), and future leader of the Rebel Alliance.
“I think Leia is probably my favourite character. She’s so ballsy and wise-cracking and beautiful,” McGregor explained. “I was also very in love with Princess Leia when I was a little boy.”
The actor then shared how the character went on to take a hold of his heart for good after meeting his boyhood crush, Carrie Fisher – who first portrayed Leia in the original Star Wars movie in 1977 – in real life.
“And then I was so lucky because later on in life, I got to know Carrie Fisher,” he continued. “I was lucky to be able to become a friend of hers, so that was a really beautiful journey. So I’ll say, Princess Leia”

McGregor’s choice of characters is especially touching after the events of the Star Wars series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, which revealed that his Jedi master and the princess had some history together before the events of A New Hope.
In the Disney Plus series, fans saw McGregor go on a rescue mission after a young Leia was kidnapped by Reva. The interactions between Leia and Obi-Wan are also some of the best moments in the entire show, so we can understand why the Rebel princess continues to be McGregor’s top Star Wars choice.
You can now watch Obi-Wan Kenobi exclusively on the streaming service Disney Plus.